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What's New in November?

10th Nov 2011

New Products

November has been a really busy month for us here at CTS! We have added more than a few new styles to our popular sunglass brands DE™ Designer Eyewear, Diamond™ Eyewear, and Xsportz™. And we have expanded with a few all-new product lines! There are some really innovative additions to our wholesale reading glasses line too.

You will find several nice new metal aviators have been added, and some new plastic aviators. There are quite a few new rhinestone sunglasses, and some fun new classic styles. We have brand new ski goggles and new motorcycle goggles too!

Metal Aviators

New Party Glasses

New Party Glasses at CTS Wholesale

Maybe the most exciting addition to CTS is the brand new line of wholesale party glasses. Our party glasses selection is chalk full of terrific sunglasses that will undoubtedly add a special flair to any party! Several of the party sunglasses are covered in glitter, we have some that will do well at Mardi Gras, and some really cool New Year's Party Glasses, for 2012. We will be adding several more crazy sunglasses to this collection, so you should check back frequently to see what crazy new party sunglasses have been added. On a similar note, we have also increased our selection in Lady Gaga Inspired sunglass styles, and even added a few 80's hit band Devo style sunglasses!

More $8 a Dozen Sunglasses

Another area that has seen a lot of growth is our "$8 per Dozen" selection. We have expanded this category as a direct result of the positive feedback from our customers we have received. You will find several popular sports sunglass styles here that we know to be great selling sunglasses.

November has only begun, so be sure to check in often and see what exciting new products are in. We will be adding new products daily.

$8 a dozen