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What connects Disney to 1500000 pairs of sunglasses?

Posted by Jim Connolly on 2nd Oct 2015

According to the good folks at Disney, “It’s a small world”. Whilst we wholly agree, that makes the sunglasses news I am about to share with you today, even weirder.

Lost sunglasses. Lot’s of lost sunglasses!

The Lost and Found at Walt Disney World has around 100 pairs of “lost” sunglasses handed in… every day. In other words, since opening on this day (October 1st) in 1971, more than 1,500,000 (yes one and a half million) pairs of sunglasses have been handed in. There’s no data on how many pair of sunglasses made it back to their owners.

As people who are passionate about sunglasses, no one here can imagine forgetting their shades. However, when you think how much fun it is at Walt Disney World, we can totally understand how people get a little carried away. It’s doubly so for me, as my wife is a former Disney team member and still loves the company.

Of course, the Disney brand were one of the first to embrace sunglasses, as a form of movie merchandise. This is a tradition still maintained today, with different types of sunglasses produced for fans of various Disney characters and franchises.

By the way, my second favorite Walt Disney World fact is to do with the number of bedrooms available to visitors. Apparently, if you were to stay in a different room every night, it would take you 61 years before you ran out of rooms! 

Oh, and if you do stay there, please remember to bring your sunglasses with you, when you leave.

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