What are Visor Clips?
30th May 2013
If you're a sunglasses retailer, you're most likely familiar with visor clips. They are handy little clips that attach to the visor in your car and hold a pair of sunglasses. Talk about convenient! These are a terrific item to offer as an accessory to sunglasses.
Functionally visor clips will clip to the sun visor of any car and simultaneously the clip will hold sunglasses by their arms when folded. This allows for easy access to sunglasses when driving.
Lets face it; driving on sunny days is when you really need those sunglasses!
Not to mention storing sunglasses in a visor clip is a terrific way to avoid scratching the lenses.
Here at CTS offer two models, 0058 and 0059. 0058 features a flame design on black, with assorted flame colors within the dozen. 0059 alternately is comprised with solid color visor clips. Colors include silver, gloss black, red and others.
The best part, they wholesale by the dozen for under a dollar apiece!