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Reading Glasses 2.0 - Now With LED Technology

15th Nov 2011

Lighted Readers 

That's right, reading glasses just got a super cool nerdy upgrade with the integration of LED technology. The quality wholesale reading glasses, pictured above, have super-bright LED lighting built right into the frames. The replaceable battery powered LED lights are located in each arm and come with independent on/off switches for custom lighting.

If you enjoying reading at night, but don't want to upset your partner's sleep, these Lighted Reading Glasses are a great alternative to LED reading lamps when reading in low light environments. They are available in 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5 dioptre strengths. This model is currently out of stock, but we expect its arrival in the near future!

Reading glasses aren't the only spectacles getting an upgrade, check out some of these other hi-tech specs:

1. Subtitle Glasses

Subtitle Glasses

2. Video-feed Glasses

3. Image-feed Glasses

 retinal imaging panorama

4. Internet Search Glasses

5. Visually Impaired Glasses

6. Auto-focus Glasses

7. Facial Recognition Glasses

8. Camera Glasses


9. Anime Glasses

10. Google Glass

Google Glass