Courageous Kieran gets his first pair of sunglasses
Posted by James on 8th Jun 2015
A heart-warming story came out of the UK on Friday. A very brave nine year old boy has been able to wear sunglasses for the first time in his life.
Kieran's story
Kieran Sorkin from Hertfordshire, England, was born with no ears. Last week, Kieran was given the all-clear to wear his first ever pair of sunglasses, by the medical team who have been looking after him.
Last summer he underwent surgery, to have a pair of ears made using cartilage that had been taken from his ribs. The operation took place at London’s world famous Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Kieran was born with a condition called bilateral microtia. This left him with just a small pair of lobes, where his ears should have been. Then in February of this year, the courageous little boy underwent a second procedure, to have his new ears lifted from the side of his head and placed in the correct position.
Although Kieran was born deaf as a result of his condition, he is already able to hear thanks to a previous surgery, to have a special type of hearing aid implanted.
First ever pair of sunglasses
It was only last week that Kieran was told by his surgeon, that he would be able to wear his first ever pair of sunglasses, just in time for the summer. Apparently, on learning the news, Kieran put his sunglasses on and went to the mirror. He simply said it was, “awesome”.
Kieran’s mother told The BBC; “It’s already made such a huge difference to his self-esteem and confidence.”
It’s easy for us to take things for granted, which can be life-changing for others. Even something as basic as wearing sunglasses, can now let a nine year old child be just like his friends.
Everyone here wishes this little guy all the very best, for a wonderful and sunny summer.
And finally folks!
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